Department of


About Department

Our Energy Engineering department is committed to advancing the science and technology of energy production, conversion, and utilization. We focus on developing sustainable and efficient energy systems that meet the needs of society while minimizing their impact on the environment. Our department is dedicated to providing our members with opportunities for education, research, and professional development in the field of energy engineering, and to making a positive impact on society through the responsible use of energy resources.

Our approach

Innovation, Technology, Excellence.

Our Energy Engineering department is dedicated to advancing the science and technology of energy production, conversion, and utilization in a sustainable and responsible manner. We strive to provide our members with opportunities for education, research, and professional development, and to promote the use of clean and renewable energy sources. Our mission is to make a positive impact on society by developing innovative solutions to energy-related challenges and by fostering a culture of sustainability and environmental responsibility in the energy industry.


We aim to provide innovative and sustainable solutions to energy-related challenges by leveraging the latest research and technology in the field.


Our team of experts work on designing energy-efficient systems and processes that reduce waste and maximize energy productivity.


Through strategic planning, we optimize energy use and explore renewable sources to sustainably meet the growing energy demand.

What We Do

Our Energy Engineering department is actively involved in research, education, and outreach in the field of energy engineering. We conduct cutting-edge research to develop new and innovative energy technologies, and we provide educational opportunities to help students gain a deep understanding of the principles and practices of energy engineering. We also engage in outreach activities to raise awareness about energy-related issues and to promote sustainable energy practices in the community. Our department is committed to advancing the field of energy engineering and to making a positive impact on society through the responsible use of energy resources.

Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Gro Harlem Brundtland
Looking to join our active team?

Join us in our mission to explore and develop innovative energy solutions by applying to our academic and professional activities. Students can participate in seminars, webinars, academic challenges, competitions, and internships, while professionals can work with us on projects and other industry-focused activities. Apply now to join our community of energy enthusiasts and contribute to shaping a sustainable future.

To apply, please fill out the application form and submit
it to us. We look forward to hearing from you!

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